However, I had a rethink on the Laurie Wisbrun Urban Circus Rag Quilt.... saga!!! I steamed ahead, realised I needed more fabric, tried to order not once but twice from two different suppliers only to be let down twice, not happy. So I have been ripping out stiches for a couple of evenings and have proceeded with a new plan of using all the patterned fabrics on the front and Kona Chartreuse and Corn Yellow on the back (as pictured on the bottom line of the blocks so far).
In Progress
Lily's Quiltalong Dresden Circle - awaiting outer templates to square off.
LynneBobSquarePants block - should I quilt it into a table centre or order more Central Park fabrics in other colourways, make more blocks and turn it into a quilt?
Laurie Wisbrun Urban Circus Rag Quilt
Union Jack Mugrug - binding needs finishing off
Weighted Pin Cushion Organiser - attach button and handsew bottom closed.
Awaiting Quilting
Black and White King Size Bed Quilt
I'm linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced today :o)

I love your happy!
Love the cute fabrics in your quilt! So bright & fun!
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