Thursday 6 June 2013

Spring Cleaning the blog...

I can't be a {Novice} Quilter forever...  and in advance of participating in a forthcoming blog hop I figured I had better get all my ducks in a row.

So from henceforth I will be Quilty Creations! Yay!
This is the name of my Facebook page and I have also changed my Flikr and Instagram usernames aswell, oh the synchronicity!  These are great options if you'd like to follow me in more of a pictoral form with less of the rambling!

Thank you to each and every one of you who takes the time to read my blog, I really appreciate all the kind comments, support and encouragement.


Linking up with Really Random Thursday - to spread the word!


Allison said...

congrats on graduating from Novice ;) I like the new name

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

About time ;) xxx

Canadian Abroad said...

Good change!

AmandaK@whatthebobbin said...

Good for you!

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